Learn how to use aromatherapy to help you achieve your goals in 2020.

Heading into the new year, I know it’s an exciting time for renewal and freshness- a chance for us to focus on improving different aspects of our lives and to experience growth. One thing people often forget is just how powerful the aromatic influence essential oils can have on us. They can make us feel motivated and elevate our moods, they can manipulate an environment to make it more beneficial, and they actually can increase our energetic frequency. All amazing things to keep in mind so we can put our oils to good use as we make positive changes in our lives.
Here are my suggestions for incorporating essential oils into your new year to help you achieve your 2020 goals and intentions. You do not need to use all the oils recommended; choose the ones you feel called to use. The following recommendations are blends from Young Living that have been specially formulated with high vibrating essential oils for specific purposes. I have carefully chosen blends that will support you along the way.
Setting Intentions
Make sure to incorporate the power of aroma while you’re setting your goals and intentions. You can diffuse or apply topically to your shoulders and crown chakra. Each of the recommendations below will help you gain clarity for reaching your highest potential. You can also use these oils when you re-focus on your intentions or meditate/pray on them. And, if you wrote your intentions on a piece of paper, go ahead and add a drop to your hand, rub palms together, and swipe over your handwritten intentions.
Build Your Dream
Dream Catcher
Highest Potential

Remove Barriers
Excess baggage, abundance blocks, non-beneficial energy, whatever you would like to call it, often needs to be released so we can move forward. These oils are particularly helpful to overcome obstacles from your past. These oils can be diffused or applied topically to chakras, wrists, back of neck, or bottoms of feet.
Inner Child
Into the Future
Present Time
Trauma Life

Motivation to Work on Goals
When we’re trying to make changes and are working on something new, it is so easy to get distracted or discouraged. Get back on track with these oils. In my experience, these are most effective when diffused.
Light the Fire
Live with Passion
Live Your Passion

Attract What You Need
Invite into your life what you desire with these essential oils. These oils can also be diffused or applied topically. Don’t be afraid to swipe some abundance on your wallet and purse. Use Valor on your throat chakra to greatly improve your communication.

Thanks for reading!
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About the Author: Hi, I'm Serena James! I'm an energy healer passionate about helping people experience a life full of joy, wellness and prosperity. I'm the owner of Just Be and author of the book Vibe Higher. Be sure to check out my Resources page to support you on your journey of healing and growth.
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. Any action you take as a result of this information is self-prescribed and your right to do so.